Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Anal Retentive and diet go together well!

I've gotten really serious about eating healthy and trimming down and if you don't believe me then check my fridge! Ya I'm a little over the top right now with thoughts of low-cal, proteins, carbs and low-fat swimming ferociously through my brain. I think because school is out and work on hiatus I have found a replacement for all my energy and brain power.... add a little procrastination of laundry and you have a refrigerator organized by nutritional value as illustrated in the picture above. The top shelf is fruits and vegetables (with the exclusion of milk that could not fit on it's appropriate shelf), middle shelf is designated for proteins and lastly the bottom is saved for carbs. Like I said, over the top yet functional. See when I come to my fridge to make a meal I know to grab lots from the top shelf, atleast one thing from the middle shelf and limit the bottom shelf. Since I'm a person that finds some unexplainable sense of satisfaction each time I draw a line crossing off something on my list, this system works for me. (Warning: this tip is only for those slightly neurotic and not faint of heart) So if you need a little organization or need to be prepared for quick grabs in the fridge, this may work for you.

I also came across one calorie saving tip that you might want to try. Now hear me out, don't knock this before you have tried it! I have switched to drinking powdered milk. I know, I know I'm talking crazy to some of you, but you'd be amazed how little calories there are in a glass of reconstituted powdered milk versus skim milk. Here's the skinny: 1 cup of reconstituted milk has only 80 cal, 0 g of fat and 8 g of protein versus skim milk: which contains 102 calories per cup. If you are a big milk drinker or cereal eater this substitute may be a good solution for you. That is a 22 calorie savings each day or 154 cals a week. So before you scoff at this tip, try it! Some brands I suggest are Moo Cow and the one I drink which is Sun Isles Instant Dry Milk which is found at Fresh and Easy. To top it all off, the price of one bag of dry milk (which is the equivalent of 48 quarts) is the same price as one gallon of milk. Think of the money and calories you will save! So while you are scoffing, I am saving up my calories for a milky way.... mmm.... almost there!

That's Ms. Cougarette to you!

A couple people have asked about my recent weight loss goals and what lit the fire under me. Well, three years ago I was a 135lb, freshly dumped 25 year old woman preparing to return to college full-time. Little did I know I was embarking on a new adventure and a complete life change. I struggled to adapt to this new and as stress took over and time contraints forced me into the drive-thru's of my favorite restaurants the pounds crept on. Now this isn't the whole problem, because of a very hectic schedule and my poor broken heart I have spent most of my time avoiding dating rather than seeking it out. This wasn't all bad as I have learned a lot about myself, what I'm looking for in life and how to rely on myself to find happiness. However, it has also set the stage for the psychological/emotional reasoning for losing weight. I know what you are thinking, "you don't need to lose weight to get a man," and I have to say I TOTALLY AGREE! But... let me paint a good picture for you to let you in on my thinking (this is rather scary, but go with it!), this picture comes courtesy of "An attractive woman in her 30's or 40's who is on the hunt once again. She may be found in the usual hunting grounds: nightclubs, bars, beaches, etc. She will not play the usual B.S. games that women in their early twenties participate in. The cougar can frequently be seen in a padded bra, cleavage exposed, propped up against a swanky bar in San Francisco (or other cities)waiting, watching, calculating; gearing up to sink her claws into an innocent young and strapping buck who happens to cross her path. " Now with my educational goals coming to an end I knew I need to set another goal in which I can work towards... to be a cougar!

To become a cougar one must be at the top of her game and must be willing to work! To prove my dedication to the art of becoming a cougar I am dubbed myself a "cougar-in-training" or better said, a cougarette. In order to fully perfect the craft of being a cougar I must hone my skills and go through a thorough training process which includes achieving and maintaining a youthful body and youthful endurance. This is where the weightloss has comes from. I figure if I'm going to be attracting those 25 and younger I must get back to the shape I was in when I was that age. So as part of my training and in order to be true to the cougarette name I am fighting the good fight against the bulge and the damage age has done to my body. You and I both know that our bodies are not spry like our 18 year old bodies were and this is my way to get my endurance back up to where it once was.

Once my physical goal is achieved, I will work on finding the perfect padded bra as previously mentioned. I'm pretty sure I have the attitude part down that is associated with being a cougar, but I think there is some refining to the attitude that could be done! My parents are cringing reading this post, but I am sure that will soon be replaced by a proud glint in their eyes when they set their gaze on their grown-up finely crafted cougar of a daughter!

Monday, December 14, 2009

The Freshman 15...

We've all heard of the "freshman 15" before, those dreaded pounds that creep up on us college students as we get so frantic in school all we can handle is a quick drive-thru run between study sessions and sharing all our junk food obliviously with our friends... well I'm going on too many years in school and have finally hit the age where my metabolism is no longer on my side and my 15 has crept on me. I have started working out at the gym and working with my personal trainer Juan, and yet have not even dropped a pound! What is up with that?? If I were a guy I would just quit drinking soda or stop eating candy bars and BAM! all my weight would melt off. Now, there is some weight I'm looking to keep on, like the extra cup size and the curves that guys seem to be commenting on more and more these days, but everything else has GOT TO GO! A friend of mine recently suggested I join the HCG craze, but you know what? I don't really want to eat like I'm a prisoner of war being let out of my cell just long enough to scavenge a rodent from the nearby field, besides my love of food and HATRED of hunger just doesn't allow for that. Some people are comfort or emotional eaters, well I realized I'm a mindless eater. Sometimes I look down at my hand and think, "what am I eating?" Something about munching soothes my soul....

After all this self-reflection, and after a bowl of ice cream, I came to the conclusion that if I want my 18 yr old body back I have got to crack down and fix my diet! All this working out is for naught when I eat all the calories I burned back. So starting today I am on an "I hate to be hungry, but I don't need to overeat or eat junk food anymore" diet. My goal is to cut the sugar, increase my protein intake and cut out the fat. Hopefully this will supercharge my weightloss and make each drop of sweat that rolls off my forehead worth all the effort! So far today has been a great day. I'm proud to say that I have followed all the eating rules my trainer has set for me: eat more egg whites, check.... one protein shake a day, check... and no more sugar, check check! I'm taking it one day at a time, but so far so good. Cross your fingers and think happy thoughts for me as I begin my mission to feel better, be healthier and get my body in order! If any of you out there have the same goals in mind, let me know your tips and techniques and we'll work through it together!